In Term 1 the KiwiCan Programme has been introduced at Netherby School. Room 1 children have been learning about respectful communication and how to treat others kindly. The role-playing, games and GKQs are very popular.
Mrs Oakley’s lunchbox By Jaykob and Maddison Today in Mrs Oakley’s lunchbox there is something that looks like a brown and crumbly rectangle. It’s as flaky as a Cadbury’s flake blowing in the wind. It feels as crunchy as a sweaty sock that’s been left to dry in the sun. Just like a dry old sock it feels harder than Mrs Oakley’s cast. It smells like a field of wheat and dry like a desert. I hope you have a better dinner tonight, Mrs Oakley!
What am I? - By Maddison and Mia I am brown and a bit leathery. I have a big flappy mouth. Inside me are treasures and brightly-coloured rewards, awards and stickers. I have things to do your hair… Can you guess what I am? What am I? - By Jaykob and Siaosi I have two eyes and a mouth. I am made out of metal. I am electrical. I have tiny holes. I have a flat top... Can you guess what I am? What am I? - By Kingsley and Jaedyn I’m covered in stars. I’m by other colourful stuff. I’m up high. I’m at the back of the class. I’m green and white with a purple STAR. Can you guess what I am?
On Friday we have our Cluster School Swimming Sports with Fairton and Chertsey Schools. This will take place at the Community Pool in Walnut Ave at 10am. Children will need to bring togs, a towel, goggles and a named swim bag to school that day.
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