
Showing posts from April, 2017

Mt Kururangi erupts!

This term our integrated topic has been focused on our Extreme Earth. Kymani and her family decided to make a model of a volcano at home and bring it in to show us how it can erupt. They used vinegar, baking soda, glitter and red food colouring. We were all really impressed with the independent learning and artistic construction demonstrated. And it looked really cool when the volcano erupted!

Kath Bee, Duffy Theatre, Duffy Role Model... We are so lucky!!!

Recently we have been lucky enough to have visits from Kath Bee, from the Duffy Theatre and from a Duffy Role Model who came and talked to us about his movies. 

Using time wisely and being creative on wet days!

The last few weeks have been quite wet and we've spent quite a bit of time indoors. Room 1 children have been making great choices about keeping themselves occupied during early mornings and breaktimes.

KiwiCan come to Netherby

In Term 1 the KiwiCan Programme has been introduced at Netherby School. Room 1 children have been learning about respectful communication and how to treat others kindly. The role-playing, games and GKQs are very popular.

Introducing Walter...

This year we have a very popular addition to our class... A caterpillar called Walter. He particularly enjoys helping out with reading and maths! Also check out this term's 'Our Words'.